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Awesome Music Apps For the iPhone

I have been using the iPhone for over two and a half years. During that time, I have tried hundreds of applications. In this article, I would like to introduce two of my favourite music apps. There are also some Music Challenge App for IOS. If you’re looking for a Music Challenge App for IOS visit

The music app uses the iPhone’s built-in microphone to “listen to” a 15-second music video. The video is then sent over the mobile network and within seconds the song, album and artist names will be displayed. I love this app and use it all the time. Two of my favourite places are when I’m in a car or in a restaurant and hear him sing that I can’t wear. Instead of arguing with my friends about who the artist was, I let the iPhone tell me about it.

This program will discover new music artists for you, who you may not have heard of, by “learning” your taste in music. Pandora will play a song for you and you can give her a thumbs up or thumbs down. Over time, the app learns what kind of music you like so you can listen to the music you love, song by song. If I find a new artist I like, I can listen to more of their songs on YouTube or iTunes. It’s amazing!

The iPhone can be a powerful tool that can help you identify and discover new music that you would never have known before. If you own an iPhone or iPod Touch, this free app is a must-check.