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Home » Business and Management » CKA Certification Exam (Certified Kubernetes Administrator)

CKA Certification Exam (Certified Kubernetes Administrator)

With Kubertnet at the forefront of the world of containers, most IT professionals are candidates for Kubernetes certification because of its undeniable value. Let’s go to the good news: Certified Administrator Kubernetes (CKA) is easier from September 2020. 

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Certified Certified Administrator Certificate is intended to ensure that the Kubernetes administrator has the skills and knowledge to carry out the task of Administrator Kubernetes.

Why QKA Certification (Certified Kubernetes Administrator):

  • This gives you unfair benefits of non-certified professionals.
  • Better job prospects and higher salaries.
  • Because all companies have or try to improve to K8, now or not.
  • Various job offers in it for CKA.

This gives you world recognition about your knowledge, skills, and experience.

CNCF takes intelligent steps and shifts the development of application developers and Certified Certified Application Protection (CKAD) to Kubernetes Certified Security Specialist (CKS). The reason is because CKA focuses more on administration, which makes a lot of sense.

Everyone wants to learn Kubernetes today and the best way to learn it is to do it. In particular, all developers want to hire a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA): practical lab and add the development of Kubernetes application to their experiences.