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Home » Business and Management » Components Of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Components Of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Amazon EKS is a managed service used to start Kubernetes on AWS. EKS users do not need to maintain their own Kubernetes control plan. Used to automate the implementation, scaling and maintenance of containerized applications. If you are looking for the %Link1%.

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Works with most operating systems:

Node: Node is a physical or virtual machine. Both master and worker nodes are managed by EKS in EKS. There are two types of knots.

Primary node: Main node is a collection of components such as storage, controllers, schedulers, API servers that create the Kubernetes control plan. EKS itself creates and manages master nodes.

API server: Controls the API server, be it the kubernetes (Kubernetes CLI) or the REST API.

etcd: This is a highly accessible key-value repository distributed across the Kubernetes cluster for storing configuration data.

Controller Manager: Cloud controllers are used to manage virtual machines, storage, databases and other resources associated with Kubernetes clusters. This ensures that you are using as many containers as needed at the same time. It regulates the number of containers used and also records their status.

Planner: He defines what and when work needs to be done. Integrated with Controller Manager and API Server.

Workstations: Workstations in the cluster are physical computers or servers on which your applications run. Users are responsible for creating and managing workstations.

Couplet: Controls the alternating flow of the API. This ensures that the container functions inside the capsule.