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Deploy Applications With Kubernetes And Docker

The main difference between Kubernetes and Docker is that Kubernetes is designed to run in a cluster while Docker runs on a single node. Kubernetes is broader than docker swarm and aims to efficiently coordinate cluster nodes at a production scale. If you are looking for the best kubernetes storage solutions visit

You need to run a container such as Docker Engine to start and stop the container on the host. When multiple containers are running on multiple hosts, you need an orchestrator to manage: Where does the next container start? How do you make the container so accessible? How do you control which containers can communicate with other containers? This is where orchestrators like Kubernetes come into play.

There are several steps involved in deploying a docker Image on a Kubernetes cluster. The whole process might seem a little confusing if you’re new to Kubernetes and Docker, but the setup isn’t difficult. The steps involved in deploying depend on the type of application you are implementing. 

Following are the steps for deploying a web application:

  1. Wrap a sample web application in a Docker image.
  2. Upload the Docker image to the container registry.
  3. Create a Kubernetes cluster.
  4. Deploy the sample application to the cluster.
  5. Manage deployment auto-scaling.
  6. Post a sample application on the Internet.
  7. Apply the new version of the sample application.