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Home » Health and Fitness » Oral Cancer Screening In Vaughan- What Happens During The Process?

Oral Cancer Screening In Vaughan- What Happens During The Process?

Most of us tend to put off routine dental just because we are intrinsically afraid of the dentist and the very thought of accompanying a dental clinic make us appear frightened.

Adding oral cancer screening into this will definitely increase your fear of manifold.  For more information about oral cancer screening in Vaughan visit

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Knowing what happens during an oral cancer screen test and what steps are involved in it will help to dispel some of your concerns and help you build awareness about the same.

What you can expect during the process

The first thing to know about oral cancer screening is that it does not hurt. Screening can easily be done during routine dental visits so that you do not need to make a special trip to the dentist until and unless you suspect for having developed the symptoms of oral cancer.

During the detection of oral cancer, the first dentist performs a visual inspection of your mouth to check whether you have mouth sores, red spots, white patches on the tongue, cheek or bumps on the muscle.

The tooth-yanker will then feel the tissue in your mouth and use gloves to check for any abnormalities and lumps that may have escaped during the previous visual inspection.

Mouth sores and patches are quite common among the people and the reality is that most of these patches are not cancerous in nature.

However, just having an oral exam cannot help to distinguish between cancer cells and noncancerous so in this case, the dentist discovered something unusual, it will do some additional tests to determine the exact cause o the same.

 It also involves removing a few cells or tissues of the mouth and then send them for testing purposes.