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Factoring Data Security Into A Digital Transformation Strategy

Digital transformation refers to the use of the latest, fastest, and most dynamic digital technology to solve various problems. Digital transformation services use cloud computing, reduce dependence on user hardware, and increase dependency on subscription-based cloud services.

How digital conversion benefits companies?

• Customer-Oriented Process – Digital transformation helps companies focus on customer needs by improving service across channels.

• Consolidated operations – New technology helps optimize business transfusion. Overlays, which are usually associated with legacy solutions, are no longer a problem.

• Improving customer strategies – With new technologies such as AI, companies can win, retain, and support customers. To know more about the digital transformation strategy you can visit

• Reducing costs and increasing sales – at the beginning of digital transformation, companies may have to pay for new technology. However, over time, the company has become customer-oriented and task performance has improved.

Image Source: Google

This makes employees more productive and customers happy . Satisfied customers stay in business longer and can pass on the company to their friends.

The need for secure information

While the company is still committed to digital transformation, large amounts of sensitive digital data are constantly being created, stored, and transferred.

The whole process is at risk of that data. With the increasing use of IoT, mobile, and cloud devices, a new type of attack surface is attracting the attention of cybercriminals.

A few years ago, the four walls that surrounded the company were the scope of the network. But with the advent of transformative technology, this scope is still changing.

At present, most companies use sensitive data in IoT, cellular, cloud, or big data. These organizations continue to store their data in many locations. Although protecting the perimeter is still important, implementing strategies to prevent sensitive data from being lost or stolen is no longer enough. In this way, regardless of location, the company only focuses on providing the data itself.