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Tag Archives: gas central heater

Use of Gas Wall Heaters – Cost-effective Alternative

As a homeowner looking to cut heating bills, consider using a gas wall heater as an inexpensive source of heat to keep parts of the interior warm when your environment has access to some sort of natural gas supply and the cool front comes in comfortably.

Installing a central heater, unlike using a gas wall heater, can be an expensive job, especially if there are not properly installed ducts and vents to start with. In most cases, this air duct, as well as the central oven, must be professionally installed. 

Additionally, in terms of energy efficiency, wall-mounted gas furnaces generates a large amount of heat that would normally be exhaled if only a few rooms in your home need to be kept warm. Additionally, there are filters that need to be replaced frequently, which further increases your maintenance costs.

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In general, gas wall heaters run faster, save more energy, and allow you to better manage your utility bills because they generate heat more efficiently and quickly. In terms of energy efficiency and costs, unless you get electricity from renewable energy sources, maintaining an electric heating system can actually use more fossil fuels and be more expensive in the long run. 

The estimated efficiency of a power plant that uses fossil fuels to generate electricity is generally only 30% to 35%, excluding energy transmission losses. Compare this to 85% to 99% efficiency for gas heating. With the high cost of electricity, maintaining an electric heating system can actually be more expensive, taking into account the net heat conversion.