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How Fused Glass Jewelry is Made

Artistic media that attracts many artists is molten glass jewelry. Artisans are fascinated by the beauty and variety of this highly versatile glass. This popularity is growing rapidly because more and more people are realizing the full potential it has to create beautiful glass jewelry.

Jewelry lovers are fascinated by the depth and variety of colors, and how the pieces change color when viewed from different angles. No two are the same. Some people think that this glass was made for NASA and used for space exploration, but in reality, molten glass, also known as dichroic glass art, is an ancient art form.

Archaeologists have discovered dichroic glass items made during the Roman Empire. The art was rediscovered for extraterrestrial use when manufacturers discovered that it is an excellent coating for satellite mounted mirrors.

Coast Gallery dichroic glass just one of many delicious art items ...

This technology is quickly used by artists who see creative possibilities. Creative people use this unified glass to make jewelry, glass beads, or even dichroic glass paperweights.

To make these glass jewelry, the manufacturer takes a piece of glass and gradually layers it with a thin layer of various metal oxides and quartz crystals.

Construction requires airless space. Metallic oxides evaporate in this space. Quartz or metal particles crystallize on the glass surface, creating a very strong crystal structure.

Its thickness is microscopic, allowing up to thirty, forty, or even fifty layers to accumulate on pieces of glass without changing its shape or size.