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LinkedIn Resume Writing Tips

It is quite true that you will never get a second chance to make a first impersonation. A resume provides a latent employer with an insight into the type of employee that you will be. There are many companies that provide resume writing services, if you want to get more information you can search LinkedIn resume writing services via

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 Here are some tips and tricks that can assist in this endeavor.

1: Formatting Counts:

It is vital to have two versions of your resume. One is for online viewing and the other for in-person interviews and job fairs. It is often the case that many fonts, lines, bullets, and other fancy formatting are not well processed on all computers so online submitted resumes should be as basic as possible in terms of formatting.

2: Spell  And Reality Check:

Before sending in your resume, ensure that you spell check with the proper word processing software. After doing this make sure that you let another person give it a quick read called a “reality check” to make certain that the software did not miss anything and that you did not make any errors that your computer could not pick up on. This is vital as errors can cost you your next job.

3: Not Too Long, But Not Too Short:

There is always a debate as to how long or short a resume should be. This can be difficult to determine. Some professionals believe in resumes that are one page long but this can be very restrictive unless you possess only a few skills and experiences. 

Five Ways a Great Linkedin Profile Writing Can Help Land Your Dream Job

Social media giant, LinkedIn, is increasingly becoming a reference point in the global job market for both employment seekers and recruiters. For getting more information, search  Linkedin resume services via

Here are five ways it can help you land your dream job:

Gives You Visibility:

With LinkedIn, your resume can be accessed by thousands of potential recruiters. Just be sure to optimize your page. Five Star Resume offers professional LinkedIn profile writing services , if you are not sure how to do it yourself.

Substantiates Your Credentials:

LinkedIn allows you to add items to your portfolio, including videos, images, PDF files, and even links, which provide more proof that you can in fact do what you say you can.

Allows You to Be More Descriptive:

A regular resume and cover letter can only say so much and no more. A well-thought-out LinkedIn profile can help you better describe what you do by including a descriptive title, relevant profile photo, summary, and past experiences.

Helps You Build Your Network:

Networking in the real world can be a daunting task. On LinkedIn, you can quickly and easily reach out to numerous CEOs and influencers, many of whom might be looking for the skills you offer. Social media giant, LinkedIn, is increasingly becoming a reference point in the global job market for both employment seekers and recruiters. 

Exposes You to the Right Jobs:

Optimizing your profile and making relevant connections will allow the LinkedIn jobs section to display employers and jobs to you that you’re more likely to be interested in.