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Water Damage Restoration Tips After Your Bathroom Floods

Your bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in your home. Water is necessary for the bathroom fixtures to function. Toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs all require plumbing to make them work.

From our water damage restoration specialists, here are someĀ solutions to ensure your building lasts.

Water Damage RestorationĀ 

Keep drains clean and clear

When drains get blockages or clogs, they disrupt the flow of water, leading to overflow and flooding. Soap scum, grime, and hair are all common culprits of drain clogs in bathrooms. Since you cannot avoid these things going down your sink and shower drain, what you can do is help to minimize what actually makes it down the drain.

Drain shields and guards are inexpensive purchases that you place over the drain to filter what can and cannot go down them. They catch hair and excess soap scum and grime so that you can wipe them down instead of letting them run down the drain where they can build up and eventually cause clogs.

Do not overwork your toilet

Toilets tend to clog and overflow frequently, and that is a messy problem that no one wants to have to deal with. Save yourself the trouble of toilet water cleanup by being considerate of how much you are putting down your toilet. Make sure that you are not outing too much toilet paper down the toilet, and do not flush anything other than toilet paper.

Sanitary wipes and other personal hygiene products should be thrown away in the garbage, not down the toilet where they can cause blockages.