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What is Diesel exhaust fluid and why it is gaining popularity?

During the last few years, diesel has faced a rough time, but progressively ordinary technology is working to modify the fuel’s reputation and make diesel vehicles feasible for the future.

Back in 2010 Long haul truckers, diesel truck enthusiasts and fleet managers conjointly had a Chicken Little movement. During this movement, the Environmental Protection Agency made the use of particular catalytic reduction(SCR) mandatory in diesel engines.

Why? Due to the things that happen to brighten the magic of SCR is a consumable fluid known as diesel exhaust fluid. With the introduction of this fluid, all diesel vehicle owners have to make DEF a part of their vehicles.

It’s a fact that nobody desires to spend more without getting anything fruitful in return. But by involving DEF and SCR they have received the appropriate return and that is extremely fuel-efficient and diminished emission. This made the hassle of filling the fuel every now and then reduced, thus it is worth it.

what is diesel exhaust fluid

So now you know what DEF and SCR are, but why they are popular is another question that needs to be explained.

Firstly, SCR (selective catalyst reduction) is not a novel technology; in fact, the EPA made it mandatory in the last decade. So that makes the technology available for nearly half a century and was firstly utilized by the power generation industry to diminish oxides of nitrogen from power plants that run with coal-fire.

In a vehicle that is SCR-equipped, the exhausted gas from the engine is defeated fore mostly with the help of a specific filter to capture every soot and ash created from burning what is a comparatively impure fuel.

The bottom line is when you use DEF, you are reducing the emission from the environment and helping human life as well as the plant being a much safer place.