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Home » Business and Management » What To Do If Your Canada Immigration Application Is Refused

What To Do If Your Canada Immigration Application Is Refused

It often surprises applicants to find out that their application to immigrate to Canada has been rejected. In some cases, it could be several years since the application was submitted. Resignation letters, which are often based on rules and regulations that are unfamiliar to potential residents, can make applicants unsure of what to do. Refusal of immigration application remains in the applicant's archive and may affect further application depending on the circumstances and reasons recorded on the country's computer system.

Applicants may not provide acceptable evidence to confirm that they meet the requirements, or their application may have been technically assessed without considering all circumstances, or they may not fully understand the visa requirements for the category you are applying to. Due to all these reasons, it is recommended to get assistance from Canadian immigration lawyers via to have complete information regarding the needs and specifications required to meet the criteria.

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If the refusal is due to the visa office misleading your documents, they can help you. Providing a copy of the submitted information and proof of delivery to the immigration manager, along with a polite explanation of why you think the refusal was wrong, can help you reconsider the decision. 

Note, however, that there are strict time limits for filing legal proceedings to appeal a decision in a federal court or immigration appeals board. If this deadline expires before you get a response, it may be too late to file a complaint.

If there is a refusal outside Canada, the application for permission to appeal must be filed in federal court within 60 days of notifying the applicant or the refusal. For requests in Canada that are denied, the deadline is much shorter – only 15 days. The court may decide to allow late submission requests, but there is no guarantee that will happen.