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Home » Legal » Who Can File Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit

Who Can File Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit

Baby powder is a type of cosmetic or hygienic powder made of a clay mineral called talc. The powder is often used to prevent or treat diaper rash around the baby’s bottom and genital area. Women used this powder on their genitals to reduce the famine odours, to soothe rashes or ease friction on the skin.

But according to media reports, more than 6600 women have been filed talcum powder cancer lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the majority of women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. They claim to have suffered from cancer after long-term use of talcum powder on their genital area.

The risk of the use of baby powder and ovarian cancer are exposed to now. Scientists first began investigating a possible link between talc use and ovarian cancer when they found talc particles in woman ovarian tumours.

However, not all women are eligible for talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit. You can refer to to know more about who can file talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit beforehand so that you will get the compensation you deserve.

talcum powder cancer
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How is baby powder used safely?

  • Avoid putting the baby powder directly on the genitals. Instead, apply foot powder on the genital skin as smooth.
  • Avoid baby powder on your baby’s eyes.
  • Keep it away from your face. This can help to avoid the possibility of inhalation.
  • Keep out of reach of your children.
  • Whisk directly into your hands away from your face.
  • Do not shake the baby to the baby powder directly. Whisk into the cloth and then use a soft cloth pat powder on baby’s skin.

When it is exposed that talcum powder leads to ovarian cancer, so it is better not to take risks. There are different alternatives for the powder that you can use to completely replace it as powder cornstarch, arrowroot flour or wheat flour.

You can try this on your baby and yourself and feel the difference. Natural ingredients will not have any side effects and keep you away from the smell of hunger and soothe the rash in a big way. Talk is also used in the makeup kit for so long, look here to find out what the potential danger lurking in your makeup bag of the year.