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Metal Fabrication in Sydney – An Overview

The exact origin and time of when man began working with metal are unknown, but there is no question that this monumental discovery has constantly held an extremely important place in human society. Rudimentary metalworking emerged during the earliest civilizations with the discovery of seven primary metals: gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, tin, and iron.

These metals were used for decorative pieces such as jewelry and religious relics, as well as for more functional uses such as tools, currency, and weapons. Using heat and tools, early metalworkers began crafting many of the objects that we could not imagine living without today. Over time, metalwork became increasingly advanced and gained value in society.

Today metals and metal alloys (the combination of two or more metals) are fabricated for use in virtually every commercial industry.

Quality metal fabrication in Sydney has played pivotal roles in the advancements of technology, transportation, agriculture, and construction. In general terms, metal fabrication refers to any activity involving the construction of machines and equipment from raw materials.

metal fabrication sydney

Fabrication businesses, or "fab shops," typically perform metal preparation, welding, and assembly. The term "machine shop" refers to a business that specializes more specifically in the cutting, shaping, and assembly of machine parts. Many businesses today fall under both of these categories and offer fabrication and machining services.

Examples of work done by fab shops and machine shops are the construction of structural frames, miscellaneous metals for building finishes such as stair railings, and ornamental pieces such as iron driveway gates.

For large construction projects, metal fabricators generally go through a bidding process and are then awarded the job by contractors. For a metal fabrication project, there are six primary steps: engineering, cutting and burning, forming, machining, welding, and assembly.