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Important Facts About Windshield Replacemen

Once you understand the important role your windshield plays, you will never let anyone do the job of replacing your windshield. In addition to protecting against flying objects and insects, the windshield also plays an important role in the structural integrity of your car, as airbags rely on protecting the passengers in their seats in the event of an accident. You can also discover the best services for auto glass replacement & Repair Lancaster in CA and Car side windows repair in Palmdale, windshield crack repair from De Leon Auto Glass.

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Here are important windshield facts you need to know.

  1. Windshield and structural integrity of the car

Automakers are working hard to reduce the weight of cars while increasing mileage. The windshield is also designed for a complete passenger area. In the event of a roll, the windshield takes up nearly 60 percent of the vehicle’s weight without collapsing; This keeps the top of the vehicle away from collisions with passengers. The windshield provides up to 45 percent of the car’s structural strength even in a head-on collision. If your windshield is not replaced properly, it will break easily during an impact, causing the roof to collapse when passengers are thrown.

  1. Windshield and airbag

In the event of a collision, the airbags deploy rapidly and take the path of least resistance. This sudden movement hit the windshield and exploded towards the passengers. Now, if you have a bad replacement windshield, the glass will simply peel off, leaving passengers with serious injury and even death. In the absence of protection, passengers crash into the dashboard or fly through open spaces. To avoid this, only have your windshield replaced by a certified, professional glass company.

In addition to protecting against the sun, wind, snow, rain and flying insects, the windshield also plays an important role in the structural integrity of your car. Therefore, you should pay more attention to the glass company with which you signed the replacement contract.