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The Magical Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a unique source of nutrition and offer textures and flavors that cannot be found anywhere else in nature. This mushroom is very good food for the paleo worshipers among us.

You can browse the web and mail order shrooms in Canada. The following list of mushrooms ranges from those used only for medicinal purposes to those sought after by chefs and food lovers around the world.


Fat and fragrant Shiitake mushrooms contain a substance called eritadenine, which helps reduce cholesterol. They also contain a substance called lentinan, which can treat chromosomes that have been damaged by cancer treatments. The healing properties of this chromosome are known to promote longevity in Japan, where the fungus is commonly found.


With a woody and bitter taste, this mushroom is only used for medicinal purposes. For thousands of years, it has been used to treat chronic diseases to fight inflammation, heart disease, cancer, mood disorders, hormonal imbalances, and more.


This delicious mushroom, also known as "partridge", is full of vitamins and is said to be the site of abnormal cells that cause body cancer. They can also reduce high blood pressure and risk of heart disease.


In traditional Chinese medicine, known as "Vigorous", this fungus acts as a mild stimulant, which has the added benefit of being a natural remedy for cancer. You can find dry cordyceps intact at health food stores, but it's easier to get extracts in liquid or capsule form.