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Home » Health and Fitness » What is So Special About the Italian Black Salt?

What is So Special About the Italian Black Salt?

If you are looking for the healthiest salt on the planet, look no further than black truffle salt. A delicious delectable appetizer or a savory main dish, sea salt is a must-have seasoning that goes above and beyond simple salt in many dishes. An incredibly versatile savory ingredient, black truffle salt is used in countless recipes from soup to ice cream, pasta to popcorn, and even something as simple as crackers and popcorn turns gourmet food into a gourmet treat with just a touch of the seasoning. Ingredients such as Sea salt, black truffle salt, natural flavorings

First, make sure you have quality sea salt in your pantry. Although commercially produced "certified" sea salt won't be as high in minerals as table salt (it actually contains very little), any well-graded salt will do. It is best to use natural sea salt since it retains more of the mineral content of the rocks that produce it, such as potassium and magnesium.

Next, you'll need some black truffles. These delightful confections were first created by the French when they appreciated the rich, earthy flavors from the earth. They were dried, ground up, and then smoked to release the rich flavor. These savory treats became a traditional item on French desserts, sandwiches, muffins, and croissants and, later, were used in salty dishes. Black truffles have now been reintroduced as a savory ingredient in the worldwide market and the trend continues to grow.

To make these mouthwatering treats, simply mix some coarse kosher salt (depending on how much you like the flavor) with some natural smoked flavor from the rocks themselves. You can use black cherries, blueberries, raspberries, or any other berries that you enjoy the flavor of. You can also toss in walnuts or just about anything else to spice things up. You can also add some sugar and cream if you want a sweeter touch.

Another great way to incorporate this Italian seasoning into your diet is in the form of a pasta sauce. You can toss chopped mushrooms, chopped Italian sausage, chopped bell pepper, chopped onions, chopped scallions, garlic, Rosemary, oregano, sage leaf, and a bit of red wine or vinegar for the flavor of your choice. You will want to mix all of these ingredients together at a ratio of about three parts mushrooms to one part cheese and pepper. Spread the mixture onto your pasta and let it sit for about ten minutes so that all of the ingredients combine to coat the pasta. Then simply spoon the mixture over whatever you are making and eat it with a bit of a sprinkle of the Italian season and of course, a sprinkle of olive oil.

If you have a little more time, you can also make some pasta salads. This is actually a very easy dish to make and it is very easy to modify to be used with the Italian seasoning. All you have to do is add a bunch of chopped mushrooms, reduced-fat Italian salami, chopped bell pepper, reduced-fat scallions, chopped onions, reduced-fat Italian prosciutto, chopped sage leaves, and then sauteed tomatoes in a large pan with a high heat oil. Allow the pasta to cook while it does so and then add your Italian vegetables.

Another great thing about Italian herbs and seasoning is that you can usually find them wrapped up as a gift, such as black truffle salt. You can purchase the bags in bulk online. The bags are usually black and they have a very distinct black color that makes them great for seasoning. Simply tear off a few of the bags and then toss the black salt into your blender or smoothie machine to start making your own recipes. When you get tired of black salt, just toss in an apple pod to add color back to your smoothies.

There are many other ways to enjoy Italian black truffle sea salt including in many different cuisines. Try experimenting with different combinations to see what compliments your favorite cuisine best. Most of all, don't be afraid to keep trying new things. Nothing is wrong if sometimes your taste buds are a bit sore from trying something new. Remember though, the goal is to keep adding to the mixture to add flavor and texture and not to eliminate it.