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Kubernetes For Testers And QA

The container is a software package in a box that is not visible with everything to do for the application. These include operating systems, application code, execution time, system tools, system libraries, and more. You can get more information about %Link1%.

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Container docker contains worker images. Because the image only reads, the docker adds a read-only file system and writes to the read-only file system to make a container.

Kubernetes is an open source platform to manage loads on containers and services. Kubernetes assesses the arises and secures your application running in a container.

After the architect designs the application, the developer applies it to the container. The tester then needs to test it to verify that the application works well and that changes in this application are needed. After this is done, the tester checks this application end-to-end if there is a need to increase or change any components in the cluster.

There are two ways to validate / test clusters:

1) manual test

2) automatic testing

Manual testing:

Manual testing checks each cluster component manually. This includes checking nodes or not, checking the status of subsystems in the cluster, suspending applications for testing services, checking secrets, encryption, security, storage, networking, etc.

Automatic testing:

Smoke test is a type of test that determines whether the compilation is embedded stable or not. This test tests the main features to ensure they work well. The smoke test confirms whether the QA team can continue testing further. Smoke test is the minimum number of tests carried out for each composition.